More Kids Stuff

More prints with your kid’s (or yours, but that can be our secret) favourite Disney characters. 100% Cotton prints featuring characters such as Tinkerbell, Mickey & Pooh. Im still trying to work my way through all the new items and there is some stuff for grown ups too — including new quilting fabrics!

New Fleece Prints

Just in, some new fleece prints (for kids). All your favourite characters 🙂

Would make great blankets, pyjamas, or even linings in jackets. Take a peek!

All of our printed fleece can be seen here.

Please note: I do apologize for the missing fabric images in the webstore, we are working hard to fix various remaining kinks at the moment and this task has not gotten the priority that it should have — but we are working to resolve this very soon!

The Finished Product

Here is a lovely blanket panel that has been transformed by one of our talented staff. She used black thread to highlight all of the edges really bring the scene to life — and she did it all by hand! She used super soft minkie as a backing, a fabric which is great for babies and toddlers as they love to experience new textures, especially soft ones. The finished product looks very hand made and quilted and will be something someone treasures for a really long time!

The before – just a plain old panel

The after – An amazing keepsake that will be treasured